Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information



System overview and quick start tutorials

Topics In This Part

IGP:Digital Publisher System Overview

Quick Start Tutorial

Quick Start Tutorial. Importing a document


The topics in this part are for the first time user.

They are designed to allow you to quickly become familiar with the operations of IGP:Digital Publisher (DP), and to quickly use it and see it in action.

IGP:Digital Publisher is a complete digital production system for:

  1. Maintaining content in a trustworthy manner in an always ready management system.
  2. Print production, including multiple editions from the one master XHTML
  3. Digital format production including multiple variants for different purposes
  4. Addressing current and future digital content format and packaging requirements.

To address these issues the system contains a number of modules which would normally be installed separately in a desktop or network operation. The topic IGP:Digital Publisher System Overview will give you a quick introduction to the entire framework.

To remove any intimidating effects the next tutorial topics demonstrate how it is relatively simple to start a document, import a manuscript and generate formats.

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