Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Digital Publisher 4.3.0

September 2014

Update Patch Release Notes

IGP:DP 4.3.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release:

  1. Automatic hyperlinking generation - This tool is introduced to reduce the human effort of manually hyperlinking the external links within your document espicially when there are hundreds of URL's in a book that production editiors are required to manually hyperlink during production process.

    1. On the Writer interface, introduced a new button "Auto External Hyperlinking" in the "Linking and Indexing tools" group.

    2. Use "Create" to auto generate the external links.

    3. Use "Strip" to strip the auto inserted links by document or by section. The auto inserted links can be identified by using the data-dp-autoexternallink attribute.

    4. Use "QC Report", which generates the auto external hyperlink report for the whole document according to the sections.

    5. The QC report displays links found with a 200 HTTP status code in green and a 404 HTTP status code in red. Individually the auto links can also be stripped in this report.

  2. Typography Reports window - Basis of the feedback we received from users the Typogrphy Reports window can now be moved around within the TIB interface. The report window earlier was in a fixed position that was on top of the PDF view  which made it difficult to look for the errors in the PDF view.

  3. Auto Numbering based on PE/EE selections - Exclude eBooks (EE) and Print Exclude (PE) are the two new options that are introduced on the Document Processors interface. Using these options users can now generate seperate numbering for Print and eBook formats without having to do any modification to the tagging structure applied to the content. Auto type block will bring two block numbers i.e. "Print Excl" and "Reader Excl" and one of these will be excluded by the processor during the format generation process (FOD) depending on the format you are generating. These processing options are available for the below options under the General Document Content Generation section of the Document Processors interface.

    1. Section numbering

    2. Section heading numbering

    3. Content Block numbering

    4. Generate Contents Page

      To understand how these option exactly work please refer to the documentation available here
       - http://learn.infogridpacific.com/writer2/DocumentProcessor.html

  4. Find & Replace/Insert tool for the Class Attribute/Value in FX - Using the Class Attribute/Value option you can easily replace an existing Attribute/Value with a new Attribute/Value in a particular section or across the whole document. Additionally you can insert a new Attribute/Value in a particular section or across the whole document.

    To understand how these option exactly work please refer to the documentation available here
     - http://learn.infogridpacific.com/writer2/DP-find-replace.html

  5. Removed Generete ID button from TIB interface - The Generate ID button is now removed from the TIB interface will only be available at one location i.e. on the Document Processors interface.

  6. Alternate Headings - In some cases it was required that H2 alt-title be applied in the running Heads of PDF. Updated for Running heads in PDF for p class="h2-alt-rw".

  7. ibooks epub - Added a checkbox option "Package custom Apple XML" under "Fonts Processing" in the DPI form, that packages "com.apple.ibooks.display-options.xml" file to META-INF folder for the epub.

  8. Strip ID update - In the past the Strip ID event would only strip the ID's from the document but would still retain the TIB (Typography In the Browser) settings applied to the content, CSS Tracking (Letter spacing and Word Spacing) etc. However this resulted in further problems in an event when ID's were regenerated.

    After this udpate acitivity Strip ID's will only trigger the following 3 events on the document and across all Design Profiles created for a particular document.

    1. Reset all the TIB'ed paras by deleting the TIB'ed paras from Database

    2. Delete all the TIB'ed tracking CSS

    3. Remove all ID selectors defined only in the Custom CSS Comment blocks (C01, C02, C03 and respective XXX CUSTOM sections)

  9. Text Find/Replace update - Find characters and replace them with nothing.

  10. Security updates - There are additional security updates done for the application based on assessment to identify any vulnerabilities which can be exploited in order to attack the system or other users, bypass controls, escalate privileges, or extract sensitive data.

  11. AIE Scripts - Updated the QAA Multi TrueFalse Inline script.

  12. Presentation template updates - The following presentation template updates were done

    1. New directory location for Presentation Templates.

    2. Delete all components of the Presentation Templates during Delete event.

    3. Increasing file name components issue is fixed during Presentation Template Import process.

    4. Removed "_" from component file naming during import and copy event.

  13. Properties editor updates - The Properties Editor now allows ID editing. The Properties Editor can also be applied to Heading as it is for the Paragraph.

  14. FX Zip and DP Archive formats - Updated the formats generation process for DP Archive and FX Zip. This is now generated with worklist handler and queuing method is applied just like the eBooks formats.

  15. Design Profile behaviour update - The following update has been done

    1. Design profile processing output has been changed and now brings all Default design profile (dp-Default-rw) content in the output, excluding other profiles.

    2. Removed 'Default' design profile selection from the dropdown list of design profiles.

IGP:DP 4.3.0 - Bug Fixes

  1. When Copy Document was done with & supplied in title, the text from & onwards does not appear in the title of the new copied document.

  2. Security updates for Media Manager - Media Manager launched from DPM interface, without launching Writer, would display a user authentication message. This is now fixed.

  3. Retained "contenteditable" attribute for epub3 output.

  4. DOC format - Removed metadata blocks from word output for sections that were remixed.

  5. Index term text normalization process - Text was getting merged in indexterms, when inline styles were applied

  6. TIB FX Mismatch Reporting fixes

    1. Unknown validation errors were appearing in the "View TIB check report". The Merge was not working. This is now fixed.

    2. When tags were removed in Writer on a tibbed para, the mismatch would not be triggered and displayed in the Reporting. Problems with Italics, bold

  7. Writer Section overwrite issues

    1. Autosave that is triggered when a Save Dialog is visible, causes Section overwrite bug. This is now fixed.

    2. Cleaned up some unwanted event handlers on the TOC click that were setting global variables.

  8. Removed extra space before soft hyphens during proof content zip import process.

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