Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information


Setting Up an IGP:Digital Publisher Document for Print

How to

Topic Overview

Setting up for print requires some understanding of page layout characteristics, and how to control page extents. 

Setting-up the document for print

Adjusting page extent

Adjusting Chapter turns

Setting up your document is a straight-forward process. As a production professional we are assuming you know the page size and layout you require for your finished document. The parameters available 

Depending on how your print template is configured, these values will probably already be set.

Setting Up the Document For Print


Whenever you use units, they must be in the CSS format. That means the value (number) and unit description must be exactly correct. If you are new to CSS and its units, you should be aware there are static and proportional units. Static units are used for print output, or output formats that do not have to conform to accessibility requirements for any reason.

Proportional units are used in browser and eBook formats where the user determines the font size, and sometimes the screen layout and text must resize and reflow according to the user requirements. 

Units must be typed accurately and in the correct format. There must never be a space between the number and unit.

Static Units

Allowable static units are:

  • cm - centimetres: specified as 210cm  
  • in - inches: Eg: 8.26in  Note you can use decimal places, but the unit attribute must join on to the numbers. 
  • pt - points. 
  • px - pixels. This is mainly for browser formats 
Relative Units
  • em - em units are proportional to the current font size. 1em doesn't change the size. A smaller number reduces the size, a larger number increases the size.
  • % - percentage. Where 100% doesn't change the size. Anything less than 100% reduces the size, anything larger than 100% increases the size.

On the Document Toolbar, click Print Setup.   (Alternative - On the Document Toolbar, click Publishing Centre, then select the tab Print Setup ). This will display the Print Setup Form. 

Set each of the values according to the requirements for this document.

  1. Document Width: Set the width of the final document. You must use the units in accordance with the CSS method
  2. Document Height:
  3. Bodytext Font-family:
  4. Bodytext Font size:
  5. Bodytext Alignment:
  6. Bodytext Line height:
  7. Page margin top:
  8. Page margin left (outer):
  9. Page margin right (inner):
  10. Page margin bottom:
  11. Page Line Count: 
  12. Page  

Adjusting Page Extent

If you have a target page extent you will have to adjust the parameters that can have an influence on the length of the document. These are word-spacing and character spacing. Generally you will be trying to shorten the document.

To see how many pages there are in your final document, you can click Preview Document PDF at any time. This assumes you have all your preliminaries and backmatter pages in place, at least as placeholders. This will be instantly flowed and you can view the entire PDF. Generally Extent targets match the printing requirement and will be multiples of 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32. 

Generally the default word and character spacing are relatively loose - and give the appearance of a word-processor.  

Fine Tuning Chapter Turns

You can output a single chapter as easily as the entire book.