Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Digital Publisher 5.9.0

April 2016

Update Patch Release Notes


IGP:DP 5.9.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release:

DPI Section List updates

The DPI Section list can now be updated to add new files to job without resetting DPI Section Reorder.

Under Document Processors, two buttons have been introduced

  1. "Generate" Clicking Generate will regenerate the DPI Section List again. This will also result in deletion of all the changes you have done in the DPI Section List.
  2. "Update" This will result in updating the latest document changes to the DPI Section List. All your existing updates will be retained.

DOC Format updates

The DOCX output generated using the current version of IGP:Digital Publisher (DP) does not render any styles applied through CSS. To overcome this drawback we have implemented an alternate approach using "LibreOffice5" to generate DOCX/ODT output which results in rendering the styling applied using CSS.

A new style-sheet has been created for DOCX/ODT output format. On the "CSS Editor" interface, under "Print CSS", a new option named ''ZV DOCX'' will now be available on the "CSS Navigation Panel" that is listed under the "Processing" sub menu.

The CSS available here is developed based on the DOCX/ODT CSS compatibility as there are limitations that cannot be supported at this time. The known limitations are outlined below.

  • DOCX output only support single selector CSS architecture
  • "em" measurement is not supported
  • DOCX CSS does not support the "multi selector" and "pseudo classes"

This new strategy allows the user to change the stylesheet based on book structure and required output wordprocessor styling.

For existing documents, the DOCX CSS would not be applied, and will fallback on the old method. The new improvements will only be applicable for new documents that are created in DP after the completion of this update activity.

Section PDF updates

In a situation where two simultaneous users are working on two different documents with the same section name, the Preview PDF view generated was incorrect, at times. However this behavior is not consistent.

Going forward the Preview PDF filename will additionally contain Document ID and TimeStamp in milliseconds added for unique identification. Thus the possibility of generating incorrect PDF Preview will be eliminated.

ISSN number in metadata

A new field named ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is now introduced on the "Document Processing Setup" interface. The "ISSN" field will be available under the "Format Identifiers" section of the DPI form.

Static Site Online Book Publishing Processing updates

Inserting the Metadata block on each page is a laborious process. To reduce the efforts and time needed we have introduced a single metadata page.

A new section type named "ProcessingMetadata" is made available and can be inserted in the document. The values entered in these blocks are generated at Static Site Generation time and inserted into each section/page before sending to the the Static Site Processor.

You will no longer require to manually insert a Metadata block on each page, when publishing a particular book as a Static Site package.

After inserting IGP and SEO metadata block the process will also auto update the following meta information for respective metadata block of each section.

In "site-seo-rw" block:

  • booktitle
  • description
  • modified date

In "site-igp-metadata-rw" block:

  • title
  • link-name

The rest of the meta information will be retained as per the input provided by the user in the 'ProcessingMetadata-rw' section metadata block.

Note: Metadata page with section class 'ProcessingMetadata-rw' should be available in the documents with SEO and IGP metadata block.

IGP:DP 5.9.0 - Presentation Template updates

The Master Presentation Templates will be updated by IGP during the update activity. If you have created any custom templates based on the IGP Master Templates, please check that these updates are applied in your templates if applicable.

  • Added DOCX styles under 'ZV DOCX' option in Print CSS.
  • Added ISSN number in DPI metadata form.
  • Updated Writer CSS for the guide text numbering not to display for the Footnotes List and Caption.
  • Added new section 'ProcessingMetadata-rw' containing igp and seo metadata block.

IGP:DP 5.9.0 - Bug Fixes

  1. AIE JS updates - The following fixes have been done
    1. When user uses the QAA Multi-Response inside an QAA SET, the wrong answer returns negative score.
    2. User can now associate same words with any number of group targets. Only important thing to know is that first and second class must always be in the same sequence.
    3. When Tapescript class is used on Reveal Widget, so the Pop-Up button will become enabled only after check is clicked. On QAA Set though the button never becomes enabled.
    4. Multi-Textmatch: When an exercise is to be answered using tap-tap option and also has an editable box for typing, the box available for typing an answer is not editable if one selects/tap on the word available in word pool (answer map). Also allowed to tap on the word in answer-map and put it into the typing boxes.
    5. ALL QAA: After inserting/selecting the correct answers and clicking the Check button, it allowed to change the answer directly and press the CHECK button again. User will first click on the Try Again button and then answer the questions.
    6. General: In all tap-tap and typing exercises if you check the answer it has to be locked and if you double click on it shouldn’t  disappear.
    7. Multi-Textmatch: If one drops a word ‘yourself’ and 'you' in any of the empty gap/field and then tap/select another word and drop it on any one of the word ‘yourself’ or 'you' to replace it, the word pool shows both the words ‘yourself’ and 'you'.
    8. Multi-Textmatch: When user drops the word ‘yourself’ in any empty gap and double click on it, both ‘yourself’ AND ‘you’ return to Word Pool.
    9. Grouping: If there are similar words and one taps them into anyone of the group target area, the answer is wrong.
      Each source item(s) is/are marked with a class g1, g2, g3 etc. In the case of similar words the user will have to keep all the class selectors for each similar word and also add extra class "multi" at the end.
      For example:
      Use class="g1 g2 multi" if similar words in group 1 and group 2. For the group 2 item keep the sequence of the class as "class="g2 g1 multi".
      However, the users will not be allowed to insert similar words in one group in order to evaluate the answers and scores across each group. In this case a message "Multiple same items cannot be associated" will display for 2 seconds and disappear.
      Also, in the QAA set the score was not saved after attempting for the questions and clicked on Check button.
    10. Grouping. After clicking on the Check button, it still allowed to drop the words from word pool. Also, once the words are dropped in the target, one wasn't able to reset it back by clicking on it.
      To handle the above scenarios, the word pool and the option targets are locked on clicking the Check button. The users will be only allowed to drop the words on clicking Try-Again button or on resetting or clearing the entire question.
  2. TIB Hyphenation Issue - The following fixes have been done
    1. There was a wellformness issue caused in xml during PDF processing, when part of a word exists in the Hyphenation list.
    2. Hyphenation exceptions defined in hyphenation list, nohyph-rw span were not applied to words having element ie. <i>, <strong>, <span>, first word and last word in paragraph and also handled punctuations.
  3. eIndexer issues - The following fixes have been done
    1. The earlier implementation would include the tags in the selected content to a data attribute used for sorting. This caused validation errors during PDF generation and format processing.
    2. The special characters at the begining of the selected text also caused the sorting to not work consistently.
  4. There was a mismatch in the paragraph numbering between the guide text in TIB HTML and TIB PDF, for document containing footnotes . This is now fixed.
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