An exercise in comprehensive CSS-3 Classification
This Adobe font has 42 font-groups and around 168 font-faces.
Adobe fonts use an optical display model including:
Display, Subhead, Text, Caption
There is the font weight model including:
Light Standard Medium Semi-bold bold heavy
In additon the font-stretch options are also available including:
condensed semi-condensed standard extended
Optical models are optimized for font size. As such they need to be separated so a designer can apply the appropriate option for a particular use.
Rather than mixing the optical models it seems to make sense to keep these separate so a designer knows which optical model to apply where. So for a font with extended font-families like this one, we define four main font families:
The CSS font-family will contain nine font groups and 36 font-faces. The font groups are based on the four-font grouping model (regular, bold, italic, bold-italic). As can be seen in the table below, this doesn't match the CSS direct size heirarchy which in fact makes more sense. The font-face names do match the CSS heirarchy very well.
4 Font Grouping | CSS-3 Style Options | selects this font |
Kepler Std Light | 300 | Kepler Std Light |
Kepler Std Light | 300, italic | Kepler Std Light Italic |
Kepler Std | 400 | Kepler Std Regular |
Kepler Std | 400, italic | Kepler Std Italic |
Kepler Std Medium | 500 | Kepler Std Medium |
Kepler Std Medium | 500, italic | Kepler Std Medium Italic |
Kepler Std Light | 600 | Kepler Std Semibold |
Kepler Std Light | 600, italic | Kepler Std Semibold Italic |
Kepler Std | 700 | Kepler Std Bold |
Kepler Std | 700, italic | Kepler Std Bold Italic |
Kepler Std Medium | 900 | Kepler Std Black |
Kepler Std Medium | 900, italic | Kepler Std Black Italic |
Kepler Std Light Ext | expanded, 300 | Kepler Std Light Extended |
Kepler Std Light Ext | expanded, 300, italic | Kepler Std Light Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Ext | expanded, 400 | Kepler Std Extended |
Kepler Std Ext | expanded, 400, italic | Kepler Std Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Ext | expanded, 500 | Kepler Std Medium Extended |
Kepler Std Medium Ext | expanded, 500, italic | Kepler Std Medium Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Light Ext | expanded, 600 | Kepler Std Semibold Extended |
Kepler Std Light Ext | expanded, 600, italic | Kepler Std Semibold Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Ext | expanded, 700 | Kepler Std Bold Extended |
Kepler Std Ext | expanded, 700, italic | Kepler Std Bold Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Ext | expanded, 900 | Kepler Std Black Extended |
Kepler Std Medium Ext | expanded, 900, italic | Kepler Std Black Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Light Scn | semi-condensed, 300 | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Light Scn | semi-condensed, 300, italic | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Scn | semi-condensed, 400 | Kepler Std Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Scn | semi-condensed, 400, italic | Kepler Std Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Scn | semi-condensed, 500 | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Medium Scn | semi-condensed, 500, italic | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Light Scn | semi-condensed, 600 | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Light Scn | semi-condensed, 600, italic | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Scn | semi-condensed, 700 | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Scn | semi-condensed, 700, italic | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Scn | semi-condensed, 900 | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Medium Scn | semi-condensed, 900, italic | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed Italic |
Extended CSS Font properties for the KeplerText Font-family
Table to be done
Table to be done
Table to be done
4 Group name | Style option | selects this font |
Kepler Std | [none] | Kepler Std Regular |
Kepler Std | Italic | Kepler Std Italic |
Kepler Std | Bold | Kepler Std Bold |
Kepler Std | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Italic |
Kepler Std Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Caption |
Kepler Std Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Caption |
Kepler Std Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Cn Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Condensed Display |
Kepler Std Cn Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Condensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Cn Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Condensed Display |
Kepler Std Cn Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Condensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Cn Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Condensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Cn Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Condensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Cn Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Condensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Cn Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Condensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Display |
Kepler Std Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Italic Display |
Kepler Std Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Display |
Kepler Std Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Italic Display |
Kepler Std Ext | [none] | Kepler Std Extended |
Kepler Std Ext | Italic | Kepler Std Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Ext | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Extended |
Kepler Std Ext | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Ext Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Extended Caption |
Kepler Std Ext Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Extended Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Ext Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Extended Caption |
Kepler Std Ext Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Extended Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Ext Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Extended Display |
Kepler Std Ext Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Extended Italic Display |
Kepler Std Ext Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Extended Display |
Kepler Std Ext Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Extended Italic Display |
Kepler Std Ext Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Extended Subhead |
Kepler Std Ext Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Extended Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Ext Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Extended Subhead |
Kepler Std Ext Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Extended Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Light | [none] | Kepler Std Light |
Kepler Std Light | Italic | Kepler Std Light Italic |
Kepler Std Light | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold |
Kepler Std Light | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Italic |
Kepler Std Light Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Light Caption |
Kepler Std Light Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Light Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Light Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Caption |
Kepler Std Light Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Light Cn Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Light Condensed Display |
Kepler Std Light Cn Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Light Condensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Light Cn Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Condensed Display |
Kepler Std Light Cn Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Condensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Light Cn Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Light Condensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Cn Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Light Condensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Cn Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Condensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Cn Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Condensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Light Display |
Kepler Std Light Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Light Italic Display |
Kepler Std Light Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Display |
Kepler Std Light Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Italic Display |
Kepler Std Light Ext | [none] | Kepler Std Light Extended |
Kepler Std Light Ext | Italic | Kepler Std Light Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Light Ext | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Extended |
Kepler Std Light Ext | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Light Ext Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Light Extended Caption |
Kepler Std Light Ext Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Light Extended Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Light Ext Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Extended Caption |
Kepler Std Light Ext Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Extended Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Light Ext Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Light Extended Display |
Kepler Std Light Ext Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Light Extended Italic Display |
Kepler Std Light Ext Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Extended Display |
Kepler Std Light Ext Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Extended Italic Display |
Kepler Std Light Ext Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Light Extended Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Ext Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Light Extended Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Ext Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Extended Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Ext Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Extended Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Scn | [none] | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Light Scn | Italic | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Light Scn | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Light Scn | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Light Scn Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed Caption |
Kepler Std Light Scn Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Light Scn Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed Caption |
Kepler Std Light Scn Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Light Scn Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed Display |
Kepler Std Light Scn Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Light Scn Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed Display |
Kepler Std Light Scn Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Light Scn Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Scn Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Light Semicondensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Scn Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Scn Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Semicondensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Light Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Light Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Semibold Subhead |
Kepler Std Light Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Semibold Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium | [none] | Kepler Std Medium |
Kepler Std Medium | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Italic |
Kepler Std Medium | Bold | Kepler Std Black |
Kepler Std Medium | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Black Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Cn Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Condensed Display |
Kepler Std Medium Cn Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Condensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Medium Cn Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Black Condensed Display |
Kepler Std Medium Cn Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Condensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Medium Cn Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Condensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Cn Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Condensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Cn Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Black Condensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Cn Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Condensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Display |
Kepler Std Medium Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Italic Display |
Kepler Std Medium Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Black Display |
Kepler Std Medium Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Italic Display |
Kepler Std Medium Ext | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Extended |
Kepler Std Medium Ext | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Ext | Bold | Kepler Std Black Extended |
Kepler Std Medium Ext | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Extended Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Extended Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Extended Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Black Extended Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Extended Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Extended Display |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Extended Italic Display |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Black Extended Display |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Extended Italic Display |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Extended Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Extended Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Black Extended Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Ext Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Extended Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Scn | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Medium Scn | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Scn | Bold | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Medium Scn | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed Display |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed Display |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Semicondensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Scn Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Semicondensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Medium Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Medium Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Black Subhead |
Kepler Std Medium Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Black Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Scn | [none] | Kepler Std Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Scn | Italic | Kepler Std Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Scn | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed |
Kepler Std Scn | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed Italic |
Kepler Std Scn Capt | [none] | Kepler Std Semicondensed Caption |
Kepler Std Scn Capt | Italic | Kepler Std Semicondensed Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Scn Capt | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed Caption |
Kepler Std Scn Capt | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed Italic Caption |
Kepler Std Scn Disp | [none] | Kepler Std Semicondensed Display |
Kepler Std Scn Disp | Italic | Kepler Std Semicondensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Scn Disp | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed Display |
Kepler Std Scn Disp | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed Italic Display |
Kepler Std Scn Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Semicondensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Scn Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Semicondensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Scn Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed Subhead |
Kepler Std Scn Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Semicondensed Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Subh | [none] | Kepler Std Subhead |
Kepler Std Subh | Italic | Kepler Std Italic Subhead |
Kepler Std Subh | Bold | Kepler Std Bold Subhead |
Kepler Std Subh | Bold, Italic | Kepler Std Bold Italic Subhead |
Table xx Your Caption