LEARN@IGP IGP:Digital Publisher Management

Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information



Main | Account User | Library

The User Library is the place where the private document of an Account User is transferred when the user believes that the document is complete and there is no need for editing.

The titles of the documents are displayed in the Library page. When a user clicks on the title of the document, a list of options appear below the particular title.

  1. Read: When a user clicks the Read button, the application launches the particular document in IGP:Reader in a new window.
  2. Info: When a user clicks the Info button, the metadata form of the document expands to show all available metadata and displays the metadata in an expanded window. Modification of the metadata can be done here. Click Save to save the modified metadata.
  3. Metadata: When an Account User clicks the Metadata option, the application opens the Document Processing Set-up form of the particular document. The Document Processing Set-up form contains a list of Processing options divided into various sections.
  4. Formats: When a user clicks the Formats button, the interface expands with an Ajax call to show the generate format options. Click on the type of the format to download the document in that particular format.
  5. Document History: When a user clicks the Document History button, the document history of the particular document expands showing the details of the document as well as each changes done to the document and on what date and time.
  6. Media: When a user clicks the Media button, the interface expands with an Ajax call to launch the Media Manager window. Media Manager is where you maintain and access images, graphics and other media used in a document.

Note: When a document is moved to Library, the IGP:Writer interface is disabled. It can be viewed in IGP:Reader, metadata can be modified and formats can be generated. But the document is effectively locked for any editing changes.

To move a Private document to the Library

To Start

  1. From the Main Page, click Private Documents under the Personal & Collaboration section. This action will transfer you to the Private Documents Screen.
  2. The Private Documents Screen displays the list of documents that the Account User owns along with a short description and detail of each.

To move a private document to the Library

  1. Browse for the document you want to move to the Library.
  2. After finding the particular document, click on the title of the document.
  3. The Option Bar of the document will appear below the Project name.
  4. The list of Options are:
    Edit | Read | Info | Metadata | Formats | Document History | Media | More Tools
  5. From the List of options, click on More Tools.
  6. A new window below the Option Bar will open. Click on Change Owner from the list of options in the new window.
  7. A Dropdown Menu will appear. From the Dropdown menu, select Account Library and click OK.
    The document will be transferred to the Library.