LEARN@IGP IGP:Distribution Manager

Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information



Main | Maintenance | Storage

There are two locations for storing all the uploaded files of IGP: Distribution Manager. Files for storage includes ePubs, JPG covers, multimedia files like audio and video.

The IGP: Distribution Manager comes with a default local storage. You can also upgrade your storage capacity by syncing IGP: Distribution Manager with IGP: Repository.

Store files in Local Storage

To Start

  1. You must have maintainer privileges to control your storage option.
  2. You must open the Maintenance page.
  3. From the Main Page, click the Maintenance button.
  4. In the Maintenance page, click Storage. This action will transfer you to the Storage Page.

To store files in Local Storage

  1. Choose the type of storage to use for your DM files.
  2. Select "Local" storage to use by selecting the Circle Checkbox besides it.
  3. Click Save to confirm the storage location, or click Cancel to continue with the existing setting.

Note: The Storage details like Infoviewer ID and Repository ID are not needed if you select "Local" as your storage type.

Store files in Repository

To Start

  1. You must have maintainer privileges to control your storage option.
  2. You must open the Maintenance page.
  3. From the Main Page, click the Maintenance button.
  4. In the Maintenance page, click Storage. This action will transfer you to the Storage Page.

To store files in the Repository

  1. Choose the type of storage to use for your DM files.
  2. Select "Repository" storage to use by selecting the Circle Checkbox besides it.
  3. The various fields of the Storage form can be edited if you select Repository as your Storage location instead of the Default Local storage.
  4. Click Save to confirm the storage location, or click Cancelto continue with the existing setting.