LEARN@IGP IGP:Distribution Manager

Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information


Distribution Alerts

Main | Status | Distribution Alerts

Interface Overview

Distribution Alerts shows you a list of pending distribution events. When a distribution event is complete, the items are moved to Distribution Reports.

Types of distribution events are:

  1. First time distribution: The ONIX and all files are sent to each channel you have configured.
  2. Metadata distribution: Only the ONIX file is sent to each channel you have configured. A metadata redistribution event will be triggered when you modify the Prices, Rights or Metadata on any book.
  3. File redistribution: The ONIX and all files are sent to each applicable channel you have configured. A File redistribution event will occur if you change any of the files in storage. This includes Covers, ePubs, Kindle and PDF files.

The Distribution Alerts page allows you to interact with pending distribution events in different ways.

  1. If you have auto distribution set to active for a channel you do not have to do anything. At the next distribution schedule event the items will be automatically processed and after distribution is complete, they will be removed from this list. 
  2. If you do not have auto distribution set to active, you can trigger the distribution event by book or selection from this interface.
  3. You can also cancel a listed book distribution event.

After the files are uploaded for distribution, you can view the list of books in the Distribution Alerts' Screen. Depending on the configuration of the distribution channels as well as the updates and modifications (Price, Metadata, Rights & File) of the book files, the distribution alerts of the books will be located in different screens.