Currency Rules
Main | Global Tools | Currency Rules
After the Distribution Channels are created and the various currencies assigned to them, you can now create your default currency conversion and price generation rules.
All currencies from the list of active Distribution Channels will be converted to the Base Currency you have assigned.
- You must keep the Distribution Channels active. If the Channels are not active, then the Currency list for conversion to the Base Currency will not be displayed.
- From the Main Page, click the Global Tools button.
- In the Global Tools page, click Currency Rules.
- The Currency Rules page showing the Base Currency in the Top Toolbar will appear on the screen.
- The new page shows the list of currencies to be converted to the Base Currency along with a blank field on the right of each currency.
- The blank field is to enter the Conversion Rate in relation to your Base Currency.
For example, if your Base Currency is British Pounds (GBP) and want to convert to Indian Rupees (INR) then, the Conversion Rate should be "*73"(According to the latest Exchange rate). Therefore, enter "*73" in the blank field besides INR.
Similarly, when INR is the Base Currency and you want to convert to GBP, enter "*0.0137" or "/73".
Note: Conversion Rate will have to be changed from time to time according to the Exchange Rate.
The "*" or the "/" symbol should be before the Conversion Rate value in the blank field.
* = Multiplication
/ = Division
- Enter the Conversion Rate for each currency.
- Click Save to create the default currency conversion
- To return to the Global Tools page without creating the
default currency conversion and price generation rules, click Cancel.