Why and how to change the settings for various image processing in IGP:Media Manager. Updated: 3013-09-22
You can modify the upload image processing settings at any time. There are options for specific e-book format cover images, and general document images. The adjustments are global so any changes will affect all subsequent images uploaded.
All image upload operations generate two thumbnails, 100px and 300px on the long side. This is fixed in the system and cannot be changed.
You can adjust the global print and online(reader) image resizing.
Images and rich media can be stored under different tabs. This allows some organization of different types of images and media.
Rich Media
Screen Grabs
Images which by their nature are low resolution and
You can configure how images are processed for each tab context to generate optimum print and Online images. The processing options are:
You can specify the generated online image to be resized to a width or height rule, by resolution recalculation or nothing happens.
You can resize an image to a fixed height or width. If an image is smaller in pixels than the value set it will not be resized.
When you upload the image it is not resized but the resolution is changed to the resolution setting. This is useful for screengrabs and similar images which are low resolution to begin with. The recommended resolution is 96dpi (Internet resolution) and not 72dpi which is an arbitrary print resolution based on points.
Resolution Resizing takes the resolution you have set and divides it by the uploaded image resolution. This figure is the scaling factor. The image is then resized using that scaling factor and the set resolution applied. Here is an example: