Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Digital Publisher 7.8.0

July 2017

Update Patch Release Notes


IGP:DP 7.8.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release

Copy Document updates

A confirmation message is now displayed on the interface, after copy document operation is completed.

Writer Notes Block Movement updates

The following updates have been done

  1. On the Document Processors Interface, label modified from "Move Notes to" to "Move Section Notes to".
  2. If Notes section has note block, then section end note movement to the document end will not work. This rule is set for this feature. To make the movement work, the note block will have to be deleted manually from the Notes section.

AIE JS updates for Hotspot

We have introduced a new interactive module called AIE hotstpot. This module is used for adding interactive hotspot on certain areas or headlines of the newspapers/magazines or any images.

The newspaper or magazine images are used one image per one section. The image is resized proportionally based on the device screen size.

Steps for using the AIE hotspot feature

  1. Create a new document with the "DPMaster-2012" Presentation Template.
  2. Open the document in Writer.
  3. Navigate to the section in which you want to insert the AIE Hotspot.
  4. Keep the cursor on a blank line in the section.
  5. From the Content Blocks accordian, select the "G04: AIE Interactive" from the dropdown list
  6. You will see three content blocks in the list, at the bottom
        a. 14 Hotspot Image
        b. 15 Hotspot Overlay
        c. 16 Hotspot Popup
  7. Double click on the "14 Hotspot Image".
  8. This will insert a "Hotspot Image" content block, containing a "Hotspot Overlay" within it, at the cursor position in the section of the writer.
  9. In the "Hotspot Overlay" content block, you can insert text in the empty line, if you want to see readable text on the hotspot overlay element in the output.
  10. Next you need to insert the "Hotspot Popup" content block for the content you want to popup, when clicked on the "Hotspot Overlay" Image.
    1. Go to the Content Blocks accordian, select the "G04: AIE Interactive" from the dropdown list.
    2. Double click on the "16 Hotspot Popup".
    3. This will insert a "Hotspot Popup" content block, at the cursor position in the section of the writer.
    4. Replace the existing "Insert your popup content here..." with your content.
  11. Once done, click on Save button to save your work.
  12. Now if you view the content in the Reader pane, you will see the Hotspot image and a Hotspot overlay box over it. Clicking on the box will popup the content that was inserted in the "Hotspot Popup" content block.
  13. The Overlay and the Popup work together, by referencing the "ID" value of Popup block, in the "data-hotspotref" value of the Overlay block.
  14. Launch the CSS Editor, and click on the "Reader" button to navigate to Reader CSS.
  15. From the left navigation dashboard, click on "Genre", and then click on "G04 AIE Interactive".
  16. Scroll down to the /* AIE Hotspot packaging Starts */ container and read the instructions just above it.
  17. Move the CSS snippets within this section to the /* G04 CUSTOM AIE INTERACTIVE Starts */ container.
  18. Save the Reader CSS, by clicking Save.
  19. Now moving towards formats generation, but before that make sure the ID and Section Reorder is generated for the document.
  20. To insert the related AIE JS into the ePub3 package, you will need open the "DPI Form" and select the "Package AIE Components" checkbox available under the "ePub3 Processing Options" accordian.
  21. You are now ready to generate the ePub3 format. Once generated, you can view the ePub3 on Azardi Reader.

Instructions for inserting another Hotspot block

  1. In case another instance of Hotspot Image block needs to be inserted in the section, make sure to change the "ID" value of the Popup block and reference the same ID value in the "data-hotspotref" value in the Overlay blocks, so that they are unique ID's accross all Hotspot blocks.
  2. For accessing the ID value of the Popup block, expand the content block tools of the Popup block and click on ID. This will popup the Block Reference ID window with the ID value as 'hspopup1' as default. For eg. change this value to 'hspopup2' and click the OK button.
  3. For accessing the data-hotspotref of the Overlay block, expand the content block tools of the Overlay block and click on P. This will popup the Properties Editor window with the data-hotspotref value as 'hspopup1' as default. Change this value to 'hspopup2' and click the Update button.
  4. Once done, click on Save button to save your work.

Instructions for manipulating the Hotspot Image and Overlay block

  1. When a Hotspot Image block is inserted, by default a predefined metrics value is set.
  2. For accessing the metric values, expand the content block tools of the Overlay block and click on P. This will popup the Properties Editor window, which has the data-metrics values set as 'iw:500,ih:333,lo:44,to:120,bw:118,bh:112' by default.
  3. Details of the data-metrics are explained below
       iw = image width (width of the original image)
       ih = image height (height of the original image)
       bw = box width (width of the hotspot area)
       bh = box height (height of the hotspot area)
       to = top offset (top offset from the image top)
       lo = left offset (left offset from the image left)
  4. These values can be changed according to your requirements.

IGP:DP 7.8.0 - Presentation Template updates

The Master Presentation Templates will be updated by IGP during the update activity. If you have created any custom templates based on the IGP Master Templates, please check that these updates are applied in your templates if applicable.

  • Added /* G04: AIE INTERACTIVE */ section in the ReaderCSS for AIE Hotspots feature.

  • Added /* G04: AIE INTERACTIVE */ section in the WriterCSS for AIE Hotspots feature.

  • Added Content Blocks for AIE Hotspots feature under the "G04: AIE Interactive" dropdown list.

IGP:DP 7.8.0 - Bug Fixes

  1. Notes Section linking from TOC issue - If document has the Notes section and user has generated Auto TOC in Writer, the note section link appears in TOC section. But on the DPI form, if the user has selected "Remove End Notes Section", then formats generation displays validation error for missing note section link in TOC section. This is now fixed.

  2. Footnote layout issue - When footnote falls in the title-block it is not floating correctly at the bottom of the page as the rest do outside title-block. This is now fixed.

  3. Auto ref/num hyperlinking - Removed the sequence number generation for the num id processing. This was causing the issue of mismatch hyperlinking while auto ref/num hyperlinking process. This is now fixed.

  4. Writer Notes movement issues - The following fixes have been done

    1. After move notes to the document end, repetition of PI link and h2 headings occurs, if no Notes blocks in document sections. This issue occurs when user hit "Generate Content" button multiple times.

    2. Copy Document End Notes to Section End - While copy notes to the section end the notes block h2 headings in the notes section was getting removed.

    3. Some section becomes blank due to well-formess issue, on processing "Move Section Notes TO" Section End.

    4. When using the "Add Section Headings" option, the note/footnotes refs were appearing in heading.

    5. When moving the Section notes to document end Multiple times, all the Section Titles are moved at the top.

    6. When "Move Section Notes to" Document End, is not working unless notes are moved to "Section End"

  5. Auto external hyperlinks process was not working due to the "&" unicode at the end of url. This is now fixed. 

  6. When document contains more that 999 sections, the <itemref> for the 1000th section is placed after the 100th itemref in the <spine> of the epub3 and Kindle opf file. This is now fixed.

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