Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Digital Publisher 7.7.0

June 2017

Update Patch Release Notes


IGP:DP 7.7.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release

Manuscript Importer updates

The following updates have been introduced in the Manuscript import process:

  1. A new pisectionEndNotes processing instruction styles has been added to the manuscript importer for importing individual section manuscripts having section wise notes respectively.
  2. Auto events implemented in Manuscript Import: Certain events are now programmed to trigger automatically during
    the Manuscript imported inside IGP:Digital Publisher (DP).
    1. ID Generation: ID Generation will be completed along with the manuscript import process. This saves the user from manually
      generating the ID from the Document Processors interface.
    2. Section Reorder: The DPI (Document Processing Instruction) Section list is populated for the document based on the following cases
      1. If Section Reorder was not generated for an existing document, then the "Generate" event for the Section Reorder is triggered.
      2. If Section Reorder was already generated for the existing document, then the "Update" event for the section Reorder is triggered.
  3. When importing a manuscript based on a particular Presentation Template, the template name is also passed with the importer.

Writer Notes Block Movement updates

In the current version of IGP:Digital Publisher (DP), while moving List Notes from Section End to Document End, for List Notes blocks containing heading <h2> did not move along with List Notes block.

This behaviour is now updated in this release, to convert the <h2> to <h4> and move the <h4> inside the List Notes block to Document End Notes section. In this case, Section Title of List Notes blocks and List Notes block heading, will appear in the Notes section.

We have additionally added "Add Section Heading" checkbox in the Document Processors interface of the Writer, so that when using the option Move Notes to Document End the user has the ability to insert or not insert the Section Title.

When adding Section Title to the respective List Notes blocks in the Document End Notes Section, the <h2> now has a colon separator for num and title.

Also the update is done for "Move Notes to Document End" process only when "Notes-rw" section is present in Document.

Document Metadata sync updates

In the current version of IGP:Digital Publisher (DP), when a document is created with the respective metadata, the metadata does not get synced to the Document Processing Instructions (DPI) form.

This is now updated to sync the DP Info Metadata to the DPI Metadata based on the following mapping of DP and Reader Metadata:


DP (DP Info) Reader (DPI Metadata)
Title Title
Author Creator
Description Description
Publish Date Published Date
Language Language
Type Type
Subject Subject

Note: This update will apply only for newly created documents. However if any modifications are done in the metadata later on, that will not sync. This fix will be updated in the near future.

Document Processing Instructions (DPI) 'Alt Title' updates

When "en" language is set for a document, then the 'Alt Title' value for Title section is auto populated as "Title" text. Previously, the title section header <h1> content would appear in TOC/NCX file, if there was no 'Alt Title' text supplied. This is done to avoid long title name displaying in the TOC/NCX.

AIE JS updates

Added aie_hotspot.js added for Newspaper Interactive Hotspot.

IGP:DP 7.7.0 - Bug Fixes

  1. Download spreadsheet issue for a Project, Library and User when Account name contains forward slash. This is now fixed.

  2. Footnote gets removed after Manuscript Import process in some cases and also blank footnote item removing process was while importing manuscript. This is now fixed.

  3. Duplicate "num" ID's validation issues were appearing for auto "num" and "ref" hyperlinking. This was due to the processor regenerating ID's for "num and ref" for auto hyperlinking. Format processor now regenerates number counter for duplicate num id's. This is now fixed.

  4. prince-bleed property values set in the Print CSS was getting applied to the Trimmed, Online, Compostion and Section PDF. This is now fixed.

  5. The Design Library CSS was getting overwritten during Document save event. And the Custom blocks in Design Library CSS were not written to the Document CSS. This is now fixed.

  6. On the "Processing Jobs" interface, unwanted extra space was appearing above the "Reader Queue" window. This has been fixed.

  7. Format download fails when creating EPUB from an ebook profile with a missing identifier but where there is an ebook ISBN. This is now fixed to fallback to the default DPI ePub ISBN.

  8. Document Designer - When a user changes the line count of the document the second time, the CSS margin-bottom on @page of /* Y1 DOCUMENT DESIGNER Starts */ does not reflect the updates. This is now fixed.

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