February 2016
Update Patch Release Notes
The following updates have been implemented in this release:
The ePubchecker version will be updated to Version 4.0.1 from Version 3.0.1. This is a maintenance version of the ePub Conformance Checker.
Note: Once the ePub check version is updated format generation window will display warnings for “absolute position” used in CSS. The issue has come to light due to IDPF changing the validation rules arbitrarily after five years. The Presentation Templates containing the Reader CSS are created based on the IDPF specification and the ePub 3.0 validator released in 2012.
The IDPF ePub 4.0.1 validator released in late 2015 changed the checks and there have been a lot of complaints that have been ignored. This can be readily addressed by modifying the templates you are using to remove the warnings for items that were previously passed but will now now be rejected. If you have just used the standard default templates this is easy.
The formats generated through DP that display the absolute position warnings on the format generation window can be fixed by the following changes in the Reader CSS of the document and re-generated once again.
ePub - Search for the .running-header and remove the position: absolute:
1. Find the .running-header-rw AND/OR .running-header and remove the position:absolute; and Save.
2. Find the "running-header-rw OR running-header" and remove the "position: absolute;" from the class and Save.
3. Find the ".plate-rw img AND/OR .plate-rw .pc-rw img" and remove the "min-height OR max-height" OR both if present in the class. And apply the height.
4. Find the ".plate-rw img AND/OR .plate-rw .pc-rw img" and remove the "min-width OR max-width" OR both if present in the class. And apply the width.
To ensure there is/are no more errors or warnings in the format, you can download the "Log" file and check.
And if any errors / warnings still persists in the format they can be corrected in the Reader CSS and then generate format.
Added para-shaded and igp-char-shaded styles to the XML and CSV for Manuscript Importer
The following updates have been done on the Template Manager Interface
The Master Presentation Templates will be updated by IGP during the update activity. If you have created any custom templates based on the IGP Master Templates, please check that these updates are applied in your templates if applicable.
Blank section generated in note-footnote QC report. There was a conflict between 'body-rw' and 'poem-body-rw' both was treated as a section, hence blank section was generated in note-footnote and hyperlinking QC report. This is now fixed.