June 2016
Update Patch Release Notes
The following updates have been implemented in this release:
The Apache and OpenSSL versions are updated in this release, for potential security vulnerabilities associated with older versions.
In current version of IGP:Digital Publisher (DP) users can set the specific languages codes in the "Set output format Lang values" field, so that the ePub, Mobi and PDF files that are generated, will only contain the languages that are specifically defined.
However this does not work when you attempt to generate DOCX, ODT and Text format outputs. When generating these formats the system does not package the languages codes defined in "Set output format Lang values" and includes content in all languages that is available in FX.
This process is now improved and further extended to include the specific language codes defined in "Set output format Lang values", incase of DOCX, ODT and Text output formats.
Added "overlay-reveal-aie" and "overlay-panel-popup-aie" class to "Body" tag element within the HTML when Reveal and Panel Popup respectively is used. This is to create a overlay modal when "reveal" or "panel pop-up" block is visible on screen.
So one can target the class to create the overlay with the following CSS.
body.overlay-reveal-aie:after {
content: " ";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
z-index: 10;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.75);
When clicking on SHOW answers button, the QAA exercise would show or highlight the correct answer in a cheat sheet mode which user can't "Check" the answers while they're in this mode as Check and other series of buttons are disabled, however user were able to change or edit the correct answers or options shown/highlighted by system.
So system now has locked the exercise while in this "cheat sheet mode" not allowing to edit or interact with any options until they escape this mode by clicking on "Clear answers" button which switches back to its normal mode and user can interact as normal.
Kindlegen has now been upgraded to version 2.9 from the existing 2.8 version.
Document revision for static site had been updated to just create the Writer Archive format during versioning. The WORD and the PDF creation has been omitted for static-site format to speedup the process.
Performance Optimization has been done for 1. Get Unassigned Projects AND 2. Add Projects and Remove Projects on User interface and 3. User section under Projects.
If a user downloads the Print CSS from a partcular document, the downloaded CSS file contains the statement @import url ('default_tracking.css'), in case Tracking process was completed on this document before downloading the CSS.
A new feature is now introduced using which a user can download the Print CSS, with or without the @import statement. A dialog window will display prior to Download process. When a user selects the checkbox for Removing Tracking CSS Reference, the tracking CSS line will be removed from CSS file that will be exported from the CSS Editor.
Few of our publisher's use ePub for distribution to Amazon, which then does the Mobi conversion.
The ePub files that generated from IGP:DP are highly rich and customized for ePub view across all eReaders and devices. If Amazon Kindlegen is used, it throws number of errors or warnings, even though the ePub is valid.
So for the publishers who use ePub in order to convert the mobi output and distribute to Amazon, we had to make few changes in our process for the segmented index links. The Kindlegen produced an error if an index 1st link is set with an ID of the section. To make the Kindlegen process work, we had to remove the ID of the 1st link and insert it to the 2nd position link.
ePub validation WARNINGS are displayed when the ePub2 contains unsupported CSS property values.
The following css properties are now removed from epub2 CSS output:
position: fixed | static | absolute | relative, max-width:, max-height:.
When Sections contained only images, the sections would go missing in the output PDF. This was caused due to the process of blank section removing in multi language processing while PDF generation because there were no characters available in the section. This has now been fixed by modifying the process to validate <img> element availability while checking blank section in multi language processing of PDF generation.
Moved the "get role for user" code from before Pagination to after Pagination. Now we only iterate through users which we want to show. This has increased performance.
TIB Merge was failing. The last update checked the content inside the tags to see if they were different. But this caused additional issues as the TIB block contained the tags inserted by users inside it. This caused the mismatch and tib merge to fail. This is now fixed.
Kindle DX format fix. The Kindle DX border was not displaying in the right side of the Table. When the user selected width as 90% in the Table-Grid DIV, the processor inserts in the width="100%" to the <table> tag and Table-Grid is already having the padding and border="1" which exceeds the width="100%". Hence the border-right is cut in the Kindle Previewer.
This has now been fixed to insert the width="" which user has selected. e.g. width "90" is selected in the DIV then the same width can be inserted as width="90%" in to the <table> tag. So it will work fine for Kindle Fire as well in the Kindle DX.
Account creation is restricted to create, when the Account name or project name is already present in the system.
The <li class="toc-part-rw"> was getting removed from the xhtml file that is sent to Prince. So for this reason the CSS properties set in the CSS Editor were not getting applied to the toc-part-rw. This is now fixed.
AIE JS Fix - Grouping: when tapping one of the options in the Word Pool and then press RESET, the option that the user has tapped remains AS IT IS-grayscaled. This is now fixed.
AIE JS Fix - QAA Textmatch: When the answer has a "comma" and "double quote marks", for example in below sentence:
A man shouted back, “Don’t panic. We’ll get you out of there.”
One has to put this sentence within the vertical lines to get the answer correct when clicked on "Check" button.
IE: |A man shouted back, “Don’t panic. We’ll get you out of there.”|
Inserting the answer within the vertical lines works correctly and validates the answer as well. However, when "Show Answers" button was clicked, only the half part of the answer (|A man shouted back,) was displayed. This is now fixed to show the full answer in the answer box.
Remix Fix - In some cases, when doing a Remix or Dynamic Remix event into a document, there was wellformness issue due to the Section Metadata block being placed outside the galley div. This is now fixed.