Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Digital Publisher 4.6.0

February 2015

Update Patch Release Notes

IGP:DP 4.6.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release:

  1. Content Block Configuration Setup Requirements

    1. It is now possible to configure a suffix for classnames in the content block file. So -rw is not appended to the class name by default.

    2. New options [RESET|CLEAR|NONE] is available as first item of class options. This allows you to clear the previously set class value.

  2. Saxon for XSL processing - We have now implemented Saxon processing for format generation. Large documents that previously took a long time to complete format generation or resulted in increased load on the server will now be handled easily with the introduction of the Saxon Processor.

    The previous version of IGP:Digital Publisher uses a DOM Parser that cannot easily handle processing of very complex and large documents . It fails to load the document XML tree while parsing the XSL files and also consumes a lot of memory.

    With the introduction of the Saxon serial processor large documents will be handled efficiently. However for normal documents Saxon will be a little slower as compared with the DOM Parser. Therefore both the Saxon and DOM  parsers will be present behind the scenes to boost format generation.

    When you generate a format using the Formats on Demand interface, by default the DOM Parser will be used by the system to complete format generation. Depending on the complexity of the document a user can opt to select the checkbox for the option "eBook Large Document" and then generate the required format so that Saxon Parser will be used to complete the format generation.

    Note: Saxon may get stuck while processing any input due to low availability of required support resources.

    The minimum recommended RAM size must be 4GB or more to run the multiple Handlers using SAXON processing. If you are producing large, complex, highly linked books (textbooks are an example) we strongly recommend a 16GB of RAM.

  3. eBook XSLs in the Presentation Template - This is introduced for XSL conversions to be applied on Formats Generation of eBooks for a specific Presentation Template.

    1. Add Ebook XSL Interface : An interface has been introduced for adding the Ebook XSLs in the presentation template.

    2. Ebook XSL Type : which allows the user to select the Type of Ebook XSL to differentiate whether the XSL is pre Ebook XSL or Post Ebook XSL.

  4. Assigned User/Project Interface - The existing version of the DP interface takes time to load, when there are hundreds of Users/Projects in a particular account. To solve this loading problem we have used the jqGrid module for displaying the assigned list of Users/Projects.

    This is implemented in both User>>Projects and Project>> Users interface. Here are guidelines that explain this implementation.

    1. By default the Assigned list is displayed

    2. The Assigned results list by default displays 10 per page items

    3. To add user/projects, Start typing name, select them, then click on the 'Add' button

    4. 'Add All (count)' will assign the remaining unassigned list

    5. To remove Assigned user/projects, select the users/projects, and then click the 'bin' icon

    6. To search Assigned user/projects, click on the 'search' icon, just besides the 'bin' icon

IGP:DP 4.6.0 - Bug Fixes

  1. eBook Formats Generation - On Title Page, the contributor-rw was getting merged with author-rw

  2. Creating a new user manually displayed CSRF error.

  3. AIE JS packaging - The "LongArithmetic.min.js" file reference was twice in the "aie_loader.js" file.

  4. Writer Content block "01 Limited Device File Break" option did not work in case of EPub3 format.

  5. Writer Content block dropdown displayed a empty Custom category. Also, Writer inserted a -rw where default value was not specified for a class option.

  6. Cover entries was not appearing for Online PDF. This was because of missing space in the page style declaration, which got removed when saved from Document Designer.

  7. Document Designer Updates - Updated for well-formedness errors. Updated for instances of typo errors. Updated for elements with empty ID values.

  8. When the ref- and num- appear in the same section, the href link for the same was generated as <a href="x_chapter_01.html#rw-num-note-26"> instead of <a href="#rw-num-note-26">.

  9. When the <i> button in Writer is clicked, an <em> tag is inserted. This is now fixed to insert <i> tag

  10. When auto generate TOC was used for ePub2/Kindle formats in the DPI form, space seperator was missing between the two elements toc-num and toc-title

  11. Manuscript Importer - Added deleteall <col> entry in the csv file, as output format was displaying validation errors for <col>

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