Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Digital Publisher 4.0.0

May 2014

Update Patch Release Notes

IGP:DP 4.0.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release:

  1. CSS Editor - The Search feature in the CSS Editor is case-insensitive by default. A new checkbox is now made available to turn on the Case senstive search when required.

  2. PDF Generation - The Preview PDF in TIB will now use Online images instead of Print images. Additionally the full Composition PDF that is generated from the "Formats On Demand" interface will now use Online images.

    This change in strategy is done basis of the feedback we received from several customers with an aim to reduce the PDF loading time when size of the print images is pretty heavy and rendering these images slowed down the process considerably.

    The final PDF that is generated using the options "Print PDF-Trimmed" and "Print PDF-Crops" will use the original high resolution print images.

  3. Digital Publisher Management(DPM) Interface - The following interface updates are done

    1. The field's 'Modified By' and 'Modified Date' on the Document Summary now get updated instantly the minute a particular user has accessed a particular document. This update will trigger even if a user simply opens a document and closes the Edit window.  

    2. The Project field details is now simplified for the Document Summary on the Projects Interface. It will now simply show the label Project and the name of the Project, colon seperated, without the word Owner mentioned there.

  4. Properties editor - A new properties editor is implemented to allow users to change the lang, class and data attributes of an FX structure. Open the Context toolbar of the block and click the P button OR Use CTRL Click on the para and li block to launch the dialog.

  5. DP API Implementation - Full set of external APIs allowing third-party software to generate formats.

    1. Set and Get API Information of the DP Account - Only Administration User of an DP Account will have permission to setup API settings.

    2. Get Access Token - This API return the "Access Token".  This API must be called before making any other API call. This API returns a access token which is used with further API calls.

    3. Get Account Projects Details - This API list all the Projects of the Account. All projects information is passed in the data parameter in JSON array of objects.

    4. Get Project Documents Details - This API gets all Documents for a given Project. All project documents information is passed in data parameter in List of dictionary.

    5. Generate Format of Document - This API generates formats or sends pass request to IGP Format On Demand for format generation.

      1. FXZIP Format - This API generates the FXZIP format for a given document.

      2. Online PDF(rgbpdf) Format - This API generates the Online PDF i.e. RGB PDF for a given document.

      3. ePub2 Format - This API generates the ePub2 Format for a given document i.e. pass request to Format On Demand for format generation.

      4. ePub3 Format - This API generates the ePub3 Format for a given document i.e. send request to Format On Demand process for format generation.

      5. Kindle8 Format - This API generates the Kindle8 Format for a given document i.e. send request to Format On Demand process for format generation.

      6. Format Status - This API returns Format On Demand process information to the requesting application based on the supplied request Token. The response contains details of activity running on server and the activities are that completed.

      7. Download Format - This API download format by using the "download_guid" parameter from "Format API".

      8. Download Log File - This API use for Download Log File of Format by using the "download_guid" parameter from "Format API".

      9. Download ZIP Log File - This API use for the download ZIP LOG File of Format by using "download_guid" parameter from "Format API". This API will be useful in Kindle8 Format generation.

  6. CSS Packaging, Merging & Reduction -  A new option named 'Optimize CSS Per Section' is now introduced on the ePub3 Processing options form.

    This means css property reduction, merging and css per page processing for ePub3. Fixed layout books use a lot of ID oriented CSS. The objective is to package CSS with ID selectors only for each page or section to which they apply.

  7. Font Obfuscation - A new option named 'Font Obfuscation' is now introduced on the ePub3 Processing options form.

    When you embed a custom font in an ePub, the fonts are included in the ePub itself. This potentially  means that someone could open the particular ePub file, take the fonts file out, and use if without license or permission. This will make a potential distributor of the font, and result in violating your font license.

    To avoid this, Fonts can be obfuscated or mangled by simply selecting the option Fonts Obfuscation, making it impossible to remove the font from the epub and use it anywhere else.

  8. Font Subsetting - Font Subsetting is now extended to Sub-set OTF font as-well. The option "Sub-set TTF Fonts" available on the "ePub3 Proessing Options" interface is now renamed as "Sub-set Fonts". If you select this option, both TTF and OTF fonts will be sub-set, substantially reducing the size of the font files in the generated ePub.

  9. Typography Report Generation extension - added a new module in Analysis, to handle the analysis of list items in document, so that list items may get correct paragraph numbers.

  10. ePub validation - Removed the EpubPreflight process from ePub validation.

  11. Setup Prince version - Multiple versions of PrinceXML can now be run on a DP server. Here are the details

    1. The current latest Prince version deployed on the server is defined in the settings file.

    2. When a new document is created, this PRINCE-VERSION, that is defined in the settings file, is stored with the document metadata, in the extended metadata field.

    3. During PDF generation, the document PRINCE_VERSION is extracted from the metadata and used to load the correct prince command.

    4. The prince commands are configured in the prince_setup.ini file.

    5. For all document that do not have any values inside extended metadata, the BASE version in the INI file is used for PDF generation.

    6. Once your installation is updated

      1. On a server with Prince7, when Prince9 is also installed in the future.

        1. New documents created from thereon will use Prince9

        2. Old documents will use Prince7

      2. On a server with Prince9 only

        1. New documents will use Prince9

        2. Old documents will also use Prince9

  12. DPI - Auto generated Table Of Contents updates - There was no proper styling and structure applied to the Auto TOC generated using the option “Generate Internal TOC Page” option that is available on ePub2 Processing Options form and Kindle Processing Options form.

    We have now made certain updates to ensure that the TOC generated using the option Generate Internal TOC Page matches the Writer TOC Section which is generated through Document Processors.
    1. It uses the same process to generate the TOC which is used for Writer tool TOC. At the moment only Number and Title of Sections will be included in the generated TOC.
    2. This TOC will also support the features like; Alternative Number (Alt No.) , Alternative Title (Alt Title) available in Section Reorder. Additionally it will exclude a particular section from the TOC when the option 'TOC Exclude' is selected.
  13. Frontlist IGP:eIndexer updates - The IGP:eIndexer tool is updated with the following new features

    1. Multiple index section: You can now have more than one index section in your document. Using the core features of the eIndexing tool you can create multiple and comprehensive indexes for your book. Here is a quick summary of how the feature work.

      1. You can now insert multiple indexes into your document using standard New Section button.
      2. Depending upon the name that you assign to each of the index section of your document the title of the each Index will displayed on the top toolbar of the eIndexer interface.
      3. By clicking these titles you can navigate through one index section to the other.
      4. Set Index Type: You can also set a index type and this can be used to differentiate the index terms in the actual content.

        Eg: Name Index, Place Index, etc

      5. Both Print and eBooks formats are updated to handle multiple index section in the final output that is generated using IGP: Digital Publisher.
    2. Punctuation placeholder: Basis of the feedback we received from users who are currently using the eIndexer tool, the position of the place holder is now defined basis of the below specificaitons.
      1. There should be no comma (,) after the word of the Index entry however there should be commas between numbers.
      2. No semi colon after the last reference name of a 'see' and 'see also' entry. However, if there are multiple references will be semi-colon between these terms
      3. No full stop after the entry word and before the word 'see' or 'see also'.
      4. The 'see' and 'see also' text will now appear in lowercase.

    IGP:DP 4.0.0 - Bug Fixes

    1. Display status message on Admin > User > P > Update
    2. Bulk project upload issue - wherein the presentation template shows one that was defined in the spreadsheet, but applies the Presentation template of the SOURCE document. This is now fixed.
    3. Fixed the URL issues for Account name containing "&".
    4. Writer - Modify section, then deleting it would cause the content of deleted section to be overwritten in the first section of the document. This is now fixed.
    5. Kindle - In the processing of paragraphs of 'list-named-rw' class element, this class value without '-rw' is getting merged to the actual class value for mobi7 i.e. 'list-index' ('list-named-rw') and 'index1' (real class) that is merged to 'list-named-index1' but the class for kindle8 was not processed in the dual class processing strategy. That output should be 'list-named-index1 index1'. This is now fixed.
    6. TIB - Hyphenation Exception list was ignored in TIB paragraphs with content changes. This is now fixed.
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