LEARN@IGP IGP:Digital Publisher Management-2016

Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information



Main | Administration | Templates

Templates is the storage area of all templates used in documentation within a particular account.

Create a new Template

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to create a new template.
  2. From the Main Page, click Templates under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Administration Templates page.
  3. The Administration Templates page displays a list of existing templates along with a short description and detail of each.

To create a new Template

  1. From the top right toolbar in the page, click Create New Template to create a new account.
  2. The Create New Template form will appear.
  3. Fill in the various field of the form and click Save to create the new template.
  4. Click Cancel to close the form without creating a new template and return to the previous page.

Details of the Create New Template form

Highlighted fields are mandatory fields. If you leave a highlighted field, then the template will not be created. A Dialogue Box will appear asking you to fill up all the mandatory fields.

  1. Template Name: Enter aname for the new template.
  2. Template Type: From the Dropdown Menu, select the type of the template.
  3. Description: Enter a short paragraph describing the template.
  4. Writer-Template(html): Browse and upload the Writer template rom your system to the server.
  5. Writer-CSS: Browse and upload the Writer CSS from your system to the server. 
  6. Reader-Template(html): Browse and upload the Reader template from your system to the server.
  7. Reader-CSS: Browse and upload the Reader CSS from your system to the server.
  8. Reader-TOC-CSS: Browse and upload the Reader TOC CSS from your system to the server. 
  9. Reader-tah-CSS: Browse and upload the Reader TAH CSS from your system to the server. 
  10. Print-Template(html): Browse and upload the Print template from system to the server.
  11. Print-CSS: Browse and upload the Print A CSS from your system to the server. 
  12. Print-tah-CSS: Browse and upload the Print B CSS from your system to the server. 
  13. Page Templates(zip): Browse and upload the Page templates from the system to the server.
  14. Content Blocks(txt): Browse and upload the required content blocks from your system to the server.
  15. Content Blocks Preview Image(zip): Browse and upload the Content Blocks Preview Image from your system to the server.
  16. Print XSL(zip): Browse and upload the Print XSl from your system to the server.

Modify a Template

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to modify a template.
  2. From the Main Page, click Master Templates under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Administration Templates page.
  3. The Administration Templates page displays a list of existing templates along with a short description and detail of each.

To modify a template

  1. Browse for the template you want to modify.
  2. After selecting the particular template you want to modify, click the Modify Template button from the Tools section.
  3. The Modify Template form will appear on the screen. This form is actually a filled-up Create New Template form.
  4. Make the necessary modifications and click Save to modify the template.
  5. To close the form without modifying the template, click Cancel. This action will take you back to the Master Templates list page.

Download a template

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to download a template.
  2. From the Main Page, clickTemplates under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Administration Templates page.
  3. The Administration Templates page displays a list of existing templates along with a short description and detail of each.

To download a template

  1. Browse for the template you want to download.
  2. After selecting the particular template you want to download, click the Download Template button from the Tools section.
  3. A Confirmation box for the download will appear.
  4. Clicks OK to confirm the download of the template CSS.
  5. To abort the download of the template CSS, click Cancel.

Copy a Template

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to copy a template.
  2. From the Main Page, clickTemplates under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Administration Templates page.
  3. The Administration Templates page displays a list of existing templates along with a short description and detail of each.

To copy a template

  1. Browse for the template you want to copy.
  2. After finding the particular template you want to copy, click the Copy Template button after selecting the particular template.
  3. The Copy Template screen will appear.
  4. Assign a name for the template you are going to copy.
  5. Click Save to make a copy of the template and save in DP or click Cancel to return to the Administration Templates page.

Import a Template

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to import a template.
  2. From the Main Page, click Templates under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Administration Templates page.
  3. The Administration Templates page displays a list of existing templates along with a short description and detail of each.
  4. The template you are going to import must be in your local system.

To import a template

  1. From the top toolbar in the AdministrationTemplates page, click on Import to import a template.
  2. A Browse and Import window will open.
  3. Click on the Browse button in the new window and navigate to the template file in your local system.
  4. After the template file is selected, click Import.
  5. Click Close to close the new window without importing the template.

Delete a Template

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to delete a template.
  2. From the Main Page, click Templates under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Administration Templates page.
  3. The Administration Templates page displays a list of existing templates along with a short description and detail of each.

To delete a template

  1. Browse for the template you want to delete.
  2. After finding the particular template you want to delete, click the Delete Template button after selecting the particular template.
  3. A Confirmation Dialog Box will appear on your screen.
  4. To confirm the deletion of the template, click OK.
  5. If you don't want to delete the template, Click Cancel.

    Warning: You cannot recover a template once it is deleted. So, proceed with caution when it comes to deleting it.

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