LEARN@IGP IGP:Digital Publisher Management-2016

Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information



Main | Administration | Users

Add a new User

An account administrator can add a new user to their account. New users can be assigned as normal users or administration users. Contact and location information can be maintained for all users. This can be useful with users working from remote locations.

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to create a new user.
  2. From the Main Page, click Users under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Users Screen.
  3. The Users Screen displays a list of existing users along with a short description and detail of each.

Download Button

Download User List

From the top right toolbar, click the Download button.

You will now receive a pop-up window to Save or Open the user list. This list is displayed in the .xls format(comma separated).

Upon opening the spreadsheet you can see the list of users under a particular account along with the projects assigned to these users.

Bulk User

Bulk user creation is a large topic. Please refer to the documentation available at this link


To add a new User

  1. From the top right toolbar, click New User.
  2. The Create New User form will appear.
  3. Fill in the blank fields.
  4. Click Save, to add the new user.
  5. To close the form without adding a new user, click Cancel. This action will take you back to the Administration-Users page.

Details of the Add New User form

  1. First Name:(Mandatory) Enter the First Name of the user.
  2. Last Name:(Mandatory) Enter the Last Name of the user.
  3. Username:(Mandatory) Assign a username for the new user you are adding. The username cannot have upper case letters or any special characters like @, #, $, % etc.
    Click the Check Availability button to confirm that your username is unique and not taken by anybody else.
    NOTE:The Username is permanent and cannot be modified once it is saved.
  4. Password:(Mandatory) Supply a password for the username. You can change the password at any point of time. It is advised to make the password at least 8 characters long and a mixture of numbers letters and special characters.
  5. Confirm Password:(Mandatory) Retype the password you entered in the password field for confirmation.
  6. Administrator User: Select the checkbox if the created user is going to have administrative privileges.
  7. Days to Expire: Enter the number of validity days of the user. When the validity expires, the user will be disabled. Eg. Enter 120 in the entry field, if you want to activate the user for 6 months. If you leave this value empty there is no user expiry set.
  8. Location: Enter the location of the user. If you are using editors and production staff from around the world this is very useful.
  9. Email Address: Enter the Email address of the user.
  10. Office Contact No: Enter the official contact number of the user.
  11. Mobile Contact No: Enter the mobile contact number of the user.
  12. Avatar or ID image: Upload an avatar or a profile picture for display with the help of the Browse button.


Assigning User to a Project(s)

Assiging a user to multiple projects

  1. Browse for the user you want to assign to a project(s).
  2. After finding theUser click the button "P" (Projects) available against the user. This action will direct you to the Projects screen along with the user name displayed.Here you will see the list of projects under a particular account.
  3. Select the checkbox against the project name and click the Update button available at the bottom. You can also assing multiple projects to a user simply by selecting the checkbox against each project you want to assign and click the Update button.
  4. A confirmation message stating User Updated will be displayed at the top.
  5. Similarly you can also UNASSIGN a user by simply de-selecting the checkbox against the project(s) name and clicking the Update button.

Deactivate a User

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to deactivate a user.
  2. From the Main Page, click Users under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Users Screen.
  3. The Users Screen displays a list of existing users along with a short description and detail of each.

To deactivate a User

  1. Browse for the user you want to deactivate.
  2. After finding the particular user you want to deactivate, click the Deactivate this User button from the Tools section of the user. This square button has the Letter D inside it.
  3. The User will be deactivated and cannot log in to the application.
  4. When a user is deactivated, the Deactivate button changes into Activate this User button (A) which can be used to grant the user access back again in the application.

Edit a User

To Start

  1. You must have administrative privileges to create a new user.
  2. From the Main Page, click Users under the Administration section. This action will transfer you to the Users Screen.
  3. The Users Screen displays a list of existing users along with a short description and detail of each.

To edit a User

  1. Browse for the user you want to edit.
  2. After finding the particular user you want to edit, click the Edit this User (Green) button from the Tools section of the user. This square button has the Letter E inside it.
  3. The Modify User form will appear on the screen. this form is actually a filled-up Create New User form.
  4. Make the necessary modifications and click Save to modify the account.
  5. To close the form without modifying the user, click Cancel. This action will take you back to the Users list page.

Delete a User

To delete a User

  1. Browse for the User you want to Delete.
  2. After finding the particular user you want to delete, click the Delete this User (Red) button from the Tools section of the account. This square button has the Letter X inside it.
  3. The Confirmation Dialog Box will appear on your screen.
  4. To confirm the deletion of the user, click OK.
  5. If you don't want to delete the user, Click Cancel.
    Note: All Private Documents of a deleted user are moved to the Maintenance Delete Library. All other references are directly deleted.

Send Button

Click this button to send an email to a user with a password reset link.

To reset the password the user must follow the instructions in the email.

The link in the email will remain active for 7 days.

Note: If a user has not requested for password reset this email can be safely ignored.
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