Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Azardi Content Fulfilment 7.2.0

September 2018

Update Patch Release Notes


IGP:ACF 7.2.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release:

GeoIP updates

In the current version of IGP:ACF, the geolocation service that we were using has been deprecated. This service allows us to find out the user's location from the IP address.

We have now updated the freegeoip to geoip.nekudo.com.

Automating the creation of Bookstore Secret Key

In the current version of IGP:ACF, when a new Account was created, the Secret key had to be manually created and fed into the Bookstore template that gets created.

To eliminate this process, the application is now updated to auto populate the account key and secret key into the bookstore, whenever a new account is created.

Device count flexibility

In the current version of IGP:ACF, device count for a bookstore user is hardcoded in the ACF settings file, and that applies to all the accounts available.

We have now updated the application to have account wise device count based on the requiremenst.

Additionally we have also implemented setting maximum device registration limit against each customer. The Admin user has the permission to change it for a customer.

Also added a column in downloadable Customer Report to show "Max Devices Allowed", against each customer.

Note: If Max device is set to 0, it is considered as Unlimited.

Assign Complimentary Product interface updates

In the current version of IGP:ACF, on the Assign Complimentary Product interface the list of titles in the dropdown list is not properly sorted. Due to this it becomes difficult searching for a Title.

We have now displayed the Titles in the dropdown list, based on createddatetime.

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