Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information


FX F04:Heading Selectors

Annotated reference list for FX F04:Heading selectors. Sorted alphabetically by purpose. Updated: 2012-09-09


This section contains definitions and usage guidelines for all the standard Foundation Heading Selectors specified by IGP:FoundationXHTML. Note that other than the template DP-Master-2012 is is unlikely and unrequired that all these Inline selectors are available in a single template.

Please note this is the Foundation list and not the complete list for all genres.

F04: Headings

The .galley-rw selector indicates this is a heading used in the main bodytext and does not apply for various blocks, boxes and lists.

.galley-rw h2

Equivalent to A-Head.

.galley-rw h3

Equivalent to B-Head.

.galley-rw h4

Equivalent to C-Head.

.galley-rw h5

Equivalent to D-Head

.galley-rw h6

Equivalent to E-Head.

If more depth of headings is required h6 is modified with a class statement extending the levels: Eg:

<h6 class="heading7-rw">...</h6>

Headings in Blocks

FX defines that block and box heading should start at <h4>. This is to explicitly prevent non-accessible content being created and to assist processor generating content lists and auto numbering blocks.