Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information


IGP:Digital Publisher Product Overview


IGP:Digital Publisheris a new way to create and maintain high value digital content documents of all types.

IGP:Digital Publisher is:

  1. A multi-level template driven XHTML document creation, authoring and maintenance environment
  2. Simultaneous multi-format document output format generator from XHTML including: PDF for print, Interactive Online documents, e-book formats and many other packages
  3. An Online collaborative XHTML authoring environment. Author from anywhere (network or Internet)
  4. An Online collaborative XHTML editing environment. Edit from anywhere (network or Internet)
  5. An Online collaborative XHTML composition and styling environment

Why is IGP:Digital Publisher different from other online document systems?

  1. The primary and obvious difference is document styling and presentation quality across all formats.  IGP:Digital Publisher allows the creation of publisher quality documents by anyone, using any content, on the first pass.
  2. IGP:Digital Publisher does not try to be an MS Word or other word-processor clone. It changes the digital content usage and ownership paradigms to bring significant new advantages.
  3. IGP:Digital Publisher does not try to be a Quark, InDesign or typesetting program clone. It changes the workflow, methods and outcomes.
  4. IGP:Digital Publisher uses highly structured XHTML that makes content highly valuable for reuse. This brings immediate benefits for long term content ownership and different content strategies. It specifically uses IGP:FoundationXHTML designed for digital content future value.
  5. Production quality outputs are instantly available at any time without additional processing increasing productivity, creativity, and decreasing technical and other costs of ownership.

The Parts of IGP:Digital Publisher

  • IGP:Digital Publisher is a Web Service application. That means it sits on a server and users access it across a network or the Internet using a browser. It is actually a number of different service components all working together, each making a contribution to the whole. Here are the main parts of the IGP:Digital Publisher framework and solution. The dommon document abbreviations for each module are included in parenthesis.
  • IGP:Digital Publisher Management (DPM)
  • IGP:Writer (Writer)
  • IGP:Reader (Reader)
  • IGP:Typography in the Browser (TIB)
  • IGP:Document Designer (DD) and Design Profiles
  • IGP:Document Processing Instructions (DPI)
  • IGP:Formats on Demand (FOD)
  • IGP:Medial Manager (MM)
  • IGP:Font Manager (FM2)
  • IGP:Template Manager (TM2)

The following sections give a brief overview of these different modules and services.

IGP:Digital Publisher Manager

This is the application you use to organize your documents. It has a separate user manual and is not covered in any depth in this document.

The IGP:Digital Publisher Management is the document organization part of the application where documents are maintained and ownership and workflow actions take place.


This is the primary authoring, editing, design, and composition application. It is the main content editing and tagging working interface. There is a large number of tools and processors available from Writer for multi-format content maintenance.

This is where the maximum learning requirements defined in this manual are focused.


This is the companion reading and viewing window. It can be expanded from within the Writer environment, or launched and used independently. If annotations is enabled users can apply notes.

IGP:Typography in the Browser (TIB)

TIB is directly available from the Writer interface. It allows tracking and kerning adjustments to be made interactively in an Online surrogate of the final PDF. The Online page and PDF page can be seen side by side.

IGP:Document Designer (DD) and Design Profiles

DD lets you use CSS interactively to change fixed template documents into individual document or book designs.

IGP:Document Processing Instructions (DPI) and IGP:Formats on Demand (FOD)

The Document Processing Instructions and Formats on Demand interfaces are covered in their own User manual as digital content format capabilities is constantly growing and changing.

This component allows the high quality, high value FX to be converted into any of the defined formats. Various formats have different configuration, generation and metadata requirements. The DPI interface allows this to be defined on a general template, or book by book basis.

IGP:Media Manager (MM)

Media Manager lets you upload, maintain and directly use images, audio, video and other components directly into your multi-format projects. There are a number of configurable pre-processing setting to allow covers, images, screengrabs, logos, icons and rich media to be processed and used for multiple formats.

IGP:Template Manager (TM2)

XHTML, CSS and XSL templates components are the working heart of IGP:Digital Publisher. IGP:Template Manager is available for customization and modification by suitably qualified or experienced production engineers.

IGP:PDF Renderer (PDFR)

PDFR uses a number of template and programmatic processes to shape the XHTML ready for rendering by PrinceXML.

PrinceXML is a third party server application that converts XML and HTML into PDF documents. PrinceXML can read many XML formats, including XHTML and SVG. Prince formats documents according to style sheets written in CSS.

It is a product of YesLogic Pty. Ltd. and is licensed under Norwegian law.