Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Digital Publisher 7.3.0

February 2017

Update Patch Release Notes


IGP:DP 7.3.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release:

Document Blocks Feature

Document blocks is a new dialog that displays all the Heading Styles, Paragraph Styles, Inline Styles and Content Blocks an editor has applied to a book.

The first time any structure style is needed the user will have to apply the styles to the book or document from the standard Content Blocks Accordion.

The styles applied by the editor as they custom style a book are saved in the Document Blocks Interface and can be reapplied from the new short, book-custom interface.

This allows for very fast custom styling of a book or document (rather than searching for a particular style by navigating to the master Content Blocks accordion).

The Document Blocks dialog is under the editors control and remains open on top even when navigating between different sections of the document.

The features are mentioned below

  1. Use CTRL+F11 to Launch/Close the Document Blocks dialog.
  2. When the dialog is opened the first time it is empty.
  3. When the user adds a particular style from the Content Block Accordion, that style is applied to  the document text and inserted into the Document Blocks dialog.
  4. The applied Document Blocks will be saved to the server when the Writer is closed. This will be available to any other editor using Writer on the book or document in the future.
  5. The Document Blocks list will be loaded into the dialog from the server when anyone opens the document in Writer.
  6. An editor can remove an item from the Document blocks list by using the X button available against each item.
  7. To apply a particular block/tag/inline/heading, an editor selects the content in the Writer and then double-click the required style from the Document Blocks dialog.
  8. Double clicking on the group header expands/collapses the style group. If lists gets bigger it may be handy to shorten the scrolling and quickly locate a particular style.

HTML Importer updates

The HTML importer is available under the “Custom XML” section of “Import Manuscript” interface of “IGP:Digital Publisher”.

Following features are available in this version of the HTML Importer:

  1. Check well formedness of the input HTML file.
  2. Allow user to insert required section break elements using interface.
    1. Multiple comma separated section break element list are accepted. e.g. h1, header, article
    2. Section break element with specific class values are also accepted. e.g. p class=“pagebreak-rw”
    3. By default the section break is done using H1, however if the input field is left blank, all sections are imported into one section.
  3. Converts the input HTML file as well formed for importing, by processing to self-closing tags.

Account and Maintenance Library Interface updates

As this is the main interface where Admin user gets to see all the documents of an account. Added a Catalog button here to navigate to the Document Catalog. This becomes useful when a user does a global search of a document in the Library, and then want to navigate to its Catalog location.

User logs updates

Additional logs with regards to User Creation, Modification and Deletion events are now captured. This will track every change (changed/added/removed) made to individual fields under the User form.

Project logs updates

Additional logs with regards to Project Creation, Modification and Deletion events are now captured. This will track every change (changed/added/removed) made to individual fields under the Project form.

AIE JS updates

If tapescript class is used in ref-panel-popup-rw widget with data-disabled attribute, the Pop-Up button will become enabled only after check is clicked.

Sort Index Page Numbers feature

The current Frontlist eIndexer page references are displayed as asterisks in the Writer and are aligned based on the sequence of marking the terms.

So if a user wanted to apply bold/italic styles to individual page references, Eg: page numbers referring to figures, the user is unable to identify which asterisk is for which page number, when compared with the Writer section and generated PDF.

We have now added a button "Sort Page Numbers" on the eIndexer Interface. On using this feature, the Writer index section and generated PDF will be identical.

A message is displayed on the interface, when "Sort Page Numbers" is processing, after which the index section will modify and update with latest changes. There is no need to do a manual save, after completion of the "Sort Page Numbers" processing.

Section history is also created if any difference is found in content during processing the "Sort Page Numbers".

IGP:DP 7.3.0 - Bug Fixes

  1. Manuscript Import - Notes and Footnotes importing was not working. This is now fixed.

  2. Users interface - Result count after Search filter was not correct. This is now fixed.

  3. Bulk document upload - While project document bulk upload the two character language mentioned in the .xls file does not match with document language three character code. Hence document language was not changed accordingly. This is now fixed.

  4. Static Site fix - Document fails for static site format generation, when & value is used in the metadata block. Due to this, fail to get values for nav home, nav top, nav next, nav previous. This is now fixed.

  5. Whenever there was a modification done in the Typo Setup and saved, there was no confirmation message. This is now fixed.

  6. Project Delete button was not functional, when user was a normal user and Project Manager. This is now fixed by displaying Delete button in the User Project Dashboard, only when Admin User.

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