Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Digital Publisher 5.5.0

December 2015

Update Patch Release Notes


IGP:DP 5.5.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release:


CKEditor Migration

The current version of IGP:Digital Publisher(DP), uses CKEditor3.6 for the Writer interface. This version has been upgraded to the latest version i.e. CKEditor4.5.5.

The following reported issues have been fixed with this upgrade

  1. The buttons Paste, Paste from Plain Text, or Paste from Word buttons in CKEditor were disabled in Firefox.
  2. Non-breaking space applied from flow menu inserts regular space. This now inserts  

IGP:DP 5.5.0 - Presentation Template updates

The Master Presentation Templates will be updated by IGP during the update activity. If you have created any custom templates based on the IGP Master Templates, please check that these updates are applied in your templates if applicable.

  • Added the following additional CSS statement in the Print CSS under Processing > ZY: EDITING ASSISTANTS between the comments "ZY: EDITING ASSISTANTS Starts" and "ZY: EDITING ASSISTANTS ends" as shown below:
    .page-igp .list-footnotes-rw {
    margin-top: 12pt;/*LHx1*/
    margin-bottom: 24pt;/*LHx2*/
  • The preview reader doesn't always load the Jquery. Updated in Reader Template.

IGP:DP 5.5.0 - Bug Fixes

  1. Edit Interface does not show content in respective block due to selfclosed of unwanted <div>. This is now fixed.

  2. PDF format - Italics and bold applied in index page number, were missing using CK editor and also the comma seperator went missing after page reference in the final output. This is now fixed.
  3. AIE JS updates - The following fixes have been done
    1. The class “mark-by-items” was not working. This is now fixed.
    2. When multiple QAA Sequence blocks were used in a section and reset was done in any one of the QAA Sequence blocks, this would reset all the QAA Sequence blocks. This is now fixed.
    3. AIE Events was not working in SVG elements. It is now handled to support the SVG elements as well.
    4. Updates done for audios playing issue, for new iOS, which didn't supported "touchstart" anymore. This has been changed it to "touchend".
  4. ePub3+2 - In NCX, "TOC.xhtml" link went missing in DP 5.3 version but that link was available in DP 5.0 version. This is now fixed.
  5. Footnote paragraphs were not displaying properly on TIB interface. This is now fixed.
  6. When  footnote reference element is applied inline style[bold/italic] element, then footnote para was moved in that element causing the footnote para to inherit the inline style. This is now fixed.
  7. ID generation has been stopped for SVG elements during Document ID generation process.
  8. Hyphen content added to a Tibbed paragraph was not reflecting. This is now fixed.
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