October 2015
Update Patch Release Notes
The following updates have been implemented in this release:
Invalid structure messages will be displayed on the screen, for Wellformness and ID Generation, for the following events
The Mathml Image Processing is now altered and kept limited just to SVG and PNG image creation. The process of creating JPG image is now removed, as this took additional processing time when the document contains huge amount of MathML structure.
Depending on the support for SVG and MathML rendering in different prince versions, we have now implemented the following
Process of checking prince version before rendering MathML as images in PDF.
We have now added notification alert messages in the DPI form, for both 'Save' and 'Reset' event, in Document Catalog view (Document Metadata) and Writer view (DPI form).
Also, "Cancel" button is not shown on the Project View.
ePub3 supported Interactive content tagging would display validation errors while generating ePub2. We have now implemented a way in which a user could output an ePub2 compliance output. This can be achieved using the following new section introduced in the Reader CSS under "ZW: OUTPUT FORMAT PROCESSING" section.
/* find */
/* replace */
Usage: This property finds and replaces the element name with or without class
/* find */<div class="body-rw Chapter-rw"/>
/* replace */<div class="body-rw Section-rw"/>
/* remove-element */
Usage: This property removes the mentioned element name with its class. Class and title attributes are optional
/* remove-element */<button/>
/* remove-attribute */
Usage: This property removes the specific matching attribute names and its value. Value is optional.
/* remove-attribute */height
/* remove-attribute-start-with */
Usage: This property removes all the attributes starting with the mentioned property value. This is supported to handle upto 10 occurances.
/* remove-attribute-start-with */data
To check a specific Inline or Paragraph style applied to a word or paragraph, users have to manually click the word or paragraph in the Writer. The style applied is displayed on the Status Bar at the bottom Writer interface, however we have received a feedback from users that this is not easily noticeable.
Based on this feedback, we have improved the functionality for displaying the style applied for the current context spans and paragraphs. The style applied will now be highlighted in the "Content Blocks" accordions. This is an alpha release for this feature.
On clicking the Publish TOC button available on the "Table of Contents" accordion, a confirmation message displays on the Status bar available at the bottom of the Writer interface, however based on the feedback we have received from uses , this is not easily noticeable.
To make the confirmation message easily indentifiable, we have now introduced a pop-up block that displays the message "Table of Contents Published"
You can now separately download the validation report using the "Download Validation Report" introduced on the individual document, ePub format generation window.
This report will contain the mapping of the ePub section files with the Writer sections, so that the errors can be quickly found in relavent sections and be accordingly fixed.
Note: The "Download Validation Report" button will only display, if there are any Errors and Warninggs in the ePub format.
In the current version of DP there are only two options for deleting Sections from the Writer. The two options available are Delete All and Delete. The options are available on Delete Section interface under the Section Tools.
However none of the above two options are useful if a user needs to individually select a few sections and delete these from the Writer. To delete multiple sections, users have to repeat the same process again and again and thus making it a time consuming activity.
We have now introduced a multi-select delete options where a user can select the individual section and delete these. The Delete Section Window will now display the list of sections available in a document. A check-box will be available against each section. You can individually select the sections you want to delete and click the button "Delete Selected".
Note: The checkbox against the section open in the Writer will be selected by default.
Bulk Export/Import of DP Archives from/to Account context, on different servers is now possible using script.
If the score with the class "qaa-score-rw" is avialable, and when the "Check" button is pressed, the javascript erases the css rule "display:none" that the class have and the results are seen even if the user has not entered any answer. This feature is added in the "qaa-set-results" also.
Total element count
Total list count
Total table count
Total block count
Total image count
Total notes count
Total mathml inline count
Total mathml block count
Total svg inline count
Total svg block count
Process Website Metadata (seo and igp metadata) content processing feature is not working. This is now fixed.
Mathml Image processing was displaying image processing error, when the mathml contained Namespace. This is now fixed.
Section content was not read to remove a Section CSS reference (link) when a Section CSS is empty (i.e. No ID selector in the CSS content). This is now fixed.
Writer Section lock issue - When a document is opened in Writer and closed immediately, the first section of the document is not unlocked. This is now fixed.
AIE JS file update - There were some exception thrown by Reader which was resulting in the widget reveal block not to function. We have done exception handling to fix this issue.
Statistics report - The following fixes have been done
The report generation was displaying error message due to encoding issue. This is now fixed.
Changed column name "Total element count" to "Element Count" in 'Detail Report' section.
When the option "Process Heading Numbers" was used, by selecting the header level upto h4, the numbering were generated for the content block headers which are h4s. e.g.: The content block name is Key Messages and its header require no number. This has now been fixed.
Manuscript importing fix - The following updates have been done
A h4 appearing immediately after any content block structure, gets stripped, and does not get imported in the document. This is now fixed.
Some paragraphs which would contain numbered styling would get stripped during Manuscript import. This is now fixed.
Copy Presentation Template Interface - Removed "Copy" button from the Interface and render to Template Manager Interface when we click on "Cancel" button. Updated for Account Template and Master Template.
The Writer auto Publish TOC was not getting triggered when, a 'Copy Section' event is done and when an 'Insert Deleted Section' event is done. This is now fixed
Excluded "list-footnotes-rw" and "list-notes-rw" from pagebreak movement process during fxhtml generation.
There are word cases in the hyphenation exception list that are applied inconsistently. The XHTML sent to Prince contains some instances of the words getting wrapped in span.nohyph-rw, but others don't. This has been fixed.
Removed hardcoded values of ePubcheck, that were defined in the code files and added the same into settings file.
element <a> within another <a> element not allowed. This error was displayed due to the nested link occurrence in ePub output. This nested link was generated while reverse auto TOC linking process using DPI form option. Usually this case occurs when section heading contain a footnote link.
Docx output - Inline styles were merging in docx output. This is now fixed.
Static Web Site Format - Handled following points in the Config section of document: A. image ref in nav-next, nav-previous, nav-toc. B. nav-toc with linkresolver.