Navigation Events make it easy to create a standard First/Last and Previous/Next interactive interface for navigating through a series of panels and frames. This is especially useful in tutorials and story-telling interfaces. Updated: 2014-07-18
Navigation allows the creation of First/Last Previous/Next interactions on any elements. It is generally used for panel or object navigation using .hide.
NAV Literal
FIRST Command. Display the first element by ID in the navigation list
LAST Command. Display the last element by ID in the navigation list
PREVIOUS Command. Display the previous element by ID in the navigation list
NEXT Command. Display the next element by ID in the navigation list
A navigation event must be declared, named and have the IDs of the target objects to be navigated listed.
Navigation ID lists are comma separated with no space. This is critical.
There can be any number of Navigation Events defined which will all work independently.
FIRST, LAST, PREVIOUS and NEXT are commands used in any standard EVENT using the neutral syntax.
Each NAV command must be used exclusively in an Event Container. IE you cannot have FIRST and NEXT in the same Event Container.
When a viewport opens that contains NAV, the first element is displayed by default.
NAV nav-name id1,id2,id3,id4,id5
0 XX NAV nav-name FIRST
0 XX NAV nav-name LAST
0 XX NAV nav-name PREVIOUS
0 XX NAV nav-name NEXT
The built in behaviour of NAV is to hide all the listed IDs except the active one. There is no GOTO EVENT in this version.
<pre class="aie-events"> NAV panelnav panel1,panel2,panel3,panel4,panel5 EVENT firstpage id=first-button click EVENTSTART firstpanel 0 XX NAV panelnav FIRST EVENTEND firstpanel EVENT prevpanel id=prev-button click EVENTSTART prevpanel 0 XX NAV panelnav PREVIOUS EVENTEND prevpanel EVENT nextpanel id=next-button click EVENTSTART nextpanel 0 XX NAV panelnav NEXT EVENTEND nextpanel EVENT lastpanel id=last-button click EVENTSTART lastpage 0 XX NAV panelnav LAST EVENTEND lastpanel </pre>
This example assumes there is an XHTML structure containing five panel elements and four navigation elements.
All target navigation containers are give the reserved class hide, which by default has CSS properties: display: none; applied.
<div class="aco-layout"> <div id="panel1" class="hide"><h1>Panel 1</h1></div> <div id="panel2" class="hide"><h1>Panel 2</h1></div> <div id="panel3" class="hide"><h1>Panel 3</h1></div> <div id="panel4" class="hide"><h1>Panel 4</h1></div> <div id="panel5" class="hide"><h1>Panel 5</h1></div> <div class="button-bar-rw"> <button id="first-button">First</button> <button id="previous-button">Previous</button> <button id="next-button">Next</button> <button id="last-button">Last</button> </div> </div>
Navigation is ID driven not class driven and can be applied to any element. They do not have to be panels for example. They could be any element combination positioned anywhere in the viewport and include animation.
A navigation event can be triggered from any other event. It does not have to be a defined button navigation structure as in this example.
Navigation can be created in a single direction and used for two display choices using first and last. This can be used as a substitute for TOGGLECLASS in some situations.
<div class="panel-rw interactive-rw" id="pan1" title="Panel Interactive"> <div class="aie-nav-script-rw" title="AIE Panel Nav Script"> <pre class="aie-events"> NAV Panel1Nav pan1f01,pan1f02,pan1f03,pan1f04,pan1f05 EVENT FirstPan1Frame id=pan1nav-first click EVENTSTART FirstPan1Frame 0 XX NAV Panel1Nav FIRST EVENTEND FirstPan1Frame EVENT PrevPan1Frame id=pan1nav-previous click EVENTSTART PrevPan1Frame 0 XX NAV Panel1Nav PREVIOUS EVENTEND PrevPan1Frame EVENT NextPan1Frame id=pan1nav-next click EVENTSTART NextPan1Frame 0 XX NAV Panel1Nav NEXT EVENTEND NextPan1Frame EVENT LastPan1Frame id=pan1nav-last click EVENTSTART LastPan1Frame 0 XX NAV Panel1Nav LAST EVENTEND LastPan1Frame EVENT Pan1FullScreen id=pan1-fullscreen click EVENTSTART Pan1FullScreen 0 pan1 COMMAND ADDCLASS "fullscreen" 0 pan1-fullscreen COMMAND ADDCLASS "hide" 0 pan1-minscreen COMMAND REMOVECLASS "hide" EVENTEND Pan1FullScreen EVENT Pan1MinimizeScreen id=pan1-minscreen click EVENTSTART Pan1MinimizeScreen 0 pan1 COMMAND REMOVECLASS "fullscreen" 0 pan1-fullscreen COMMAND REMOVECLASS "hide" 0 pan1-minscreen COMMAND ADDCLASS "hide" EVENTEND Pan1MinimizeScreen </pre> </div> <div class="title-bar-rw" title="Panel TitleBar"> <h2><a href="#">Navigation Events Example LIVE</a></h2> <p>Here we've got simple navigation example with 5 frames. You can navigate next/previous first/last from left right nav bar aears. You can also make this nav panel go fullscreen. You can have any kind of contents inside any frames. Images, audio/video, or interfactive content or something else. There is no resriction of anything. And of course look and feel of it is always customizable without any question.</p> </div> <div class="frame-rw" id="pan1f01" title="Panel Frame"> <div class="frame-body-rw" title="Panel FrameBody"> <h4><a href="#">frame 1</a></h4> </div> <div class="caption-bar-rw" title="Frame CaptionBar"> <p>frame 1 caption</p> </div> </div> <div class="frame-rw hide" id="pan1f02" title="Panel Frame"> <div class="frame-body-rw" title="Panel FrameBody"> <h4><a href="#">frame 2</a></h4> </div> <div class="caption-bar-rw" title="Frame CaptionBar"> <p>frame 2 caption</p> </div> </div> <div class="frame-rw hide" id="pan1f03" title="Panel Frame"> <div class="frame-body-rw" title="Panel FrameBody"> <h4><a href="#">frame 3</a></h4> </div> <div class="caption-bar-rw" title="Frame CaptionBar"> <p>frame 3 caption</p> </div> </div> <div class="frame-rw hide" id="pan1f04" title="Panel Frame"> <div class="frame-body-rw" title="Panel FrameBody"> <h4><a href="#">frame 4</a></h4> </div> <div class="caption-bar-rw" title="Frame CaptionBar"> <p>frame 4 caption</p> </div> </div> <div class="frame-rw hide" id="pan1f05" title="Panel Frame"> <div class="frame-body-rw" title="Panel FrameBody"> <h4><a href="#">frame 5</a></h4> </div> <div class="caption-bar-rw" title="Frame CaptionBar"> <p>frame 5 caption</p> </div> </div> <div class="panel-controls-rw" title="Panel Controls"> <div class="nav-bar-rw nav-first-rw" id="pan1nav-first" title="Nav Bar First"> <p>First</p> </div> <div class="nav-bar-rw nav-previous-rw" id="pan1nav-previous" title="Nav Bar Previous"> <p>Previous</p> </div> <div class="nav-bar-rw nav-next-rw" id="pan1nav-next" title="Nav Bar Next"> <p>Next</p> </div> <div class="nav-bar-rw nav-last-rw" id="pan1nav-last" title="Nav Bar Last"> <p>Last</p> </div> <div class="panel-fullscreen-rw" id="pan1-fullscreen" title="Panel Fullscreen"> <p>Fullscreen</p> </div> <div class="panel-minscreen-rw hide" id="pan1-minscreen" title="Panel Minimizescreen"> <p>Minimize screen</p> </div> </div> </div>