Infogrid Pacific-The Science of Information

IGP:Azardi Content Fulfilment 8.0.0

July 2022

Update Patch Release Notes

IGP:ACF 8.0.0 - Updates, Upgrades & Enhancements

The following updates have been implemented in this release:

Interface updates

The previous interface was displayed on a fixed width of the screen. This is now updated to use to display the interface on the entire screen.

The dashboard navigation options are now fixed to the left screen and are scrollable for quicker navigation access between the Dashboard options.

ePub upload updates

If OPF file, identifier element do not have id, ePub upload fails. We have now skipped this process.

IGP:ACF 8.0.0 - Bug fixes

  1. Change email address for a customer, was not working if there is was closed customer with the same email. This is now fixed.
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